Best Press Release Ever!!: Woot Gets Acquired by Amazon

Nice job Woot. On getting acquired and making the best press release. This is the way to not take yourself too seriously and let your customers know – you are going to be the same company, even after you get bought by the man.

Kind of funny though how time flies. When did amazon become the man? Zappos and Woot in the same house – that’s kind a awesome.

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Jack Dorsey on Drawing, Luck and Reiteration

I don’t know if Twitter is going to beat Facebook – even though I like Twitter way better. But, the one thing Twitter has over Facebook is the coolest founder names. Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams and Biz Stone. Fugitaboutit.

Anyway this is a great talk by Jack Dorsey on drawing your ideas, sharing them, recognizing luck and Reiteration – all at the right time I would assume.

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